Medical Marijuana - Real Medicine

Posted in Pain Management on May 01, 2020

The facts about medical marijuana as a tool for pain relief. In the proper hands it can be a constructive element....

Erectile Dysfunction may = Heart Disease

Posted in Heart & Vascular, Hormones & Sexual Health, Men's Health on Apr 25, 2020

Erectile dysfunction may be a warning that blood flow to your heart is a problem. But take action NOW and you can reverse that trend....

Feet are the Foundation

Posted in Movement - Dr. Bianco on Feb 29, 2020

Feet may not be the best-looking part of your body and probably not the best smelling, but they sure are important for getting from point A to B, maintaining balance and pushing the limits of the human body to ...

Meditation 101 - Guided AUDIO

Posted in Mind & Body on Jan 19, 2020

Learning how to perform simple "Box Breathing" is one of the easiest ways to distract the mind and enter the amazing realm of meditation. This 8 minute guided meditation will serve as an easy portal for your in...

Meditation: The 7 Energy Centers

Posted in Mind & Body on Jan 12, 2020

This is a 10 minute guided meditation by Dr. Huber to help you get in touch and focus on your energy centers to restore function. We offer many tools to help you in your meditative understanding so if you have ...

Logan Strikes Again - Pay It Forward

Posted in Mind Over Matter on Dec 02, 2019

We all need a little magic in our lives. We all possess the ability to make that happen....

In Honor of Logan Turner

Posted in Mind & Body, Mind Over Matter on Dec 02, 2019

If you open your mind to possibility . . . and open your heart to receive . . . then amazing things will land right in your lap. It's all around us if we simply stop long enough to listen to the silence and be ...

True Diabetic Story - Jane & Paul

Posted in Diabetes, on Nov 23, 2019

Reversing diabetes is actually quite simply. Removing insulin and restoring blood sugar control is a matter of changing the physiologic signals that you stimulate through diet and lifestyle. Jane and Paul had...

Longevity #1 How to stay YOUNG!!

Posted in Longevity on Nov 23, 2019

Is it possible to stay young forever?...

Dr. Huber Named Best in Medicine

Posted in Events, News, on Aug 13, 2019

Nice work being named one of the “Best in medicine” by the American Health Council. Dr. Gary Huber named “Best in medicine” and given a leadership award for his work in education and promotion of integrative me...

Nancy knocks it out of the park

Posted in Hot Topics on May 23, 2019

Turning it all around with a simple commitment to ACCOUNTABILITY. Anyone can change their life in a single moment with a simple decision to follow through. It doesn't take years . . . it takes a mental shift....

Costco – Blessing or Curse? Family – Blessing or Curse?

Posted in Hot Topics on Apr 22, 2019

Are your loved ones and family members conspiring to kill you? No, of course not but ignoring your need for change or not being supportive of your dietary needs is no less egregious than forcing you down a path...