You have 2 options when it comes to paying for your lab tests. 

Option A - Insurance: Submit to your insurance and see what they will cover. Don’t idly wait, ASK. Ask your insurance company “What is my out-of-pocket expense after you apply my coverage?” Do this BEFORE you get your lab drawn. When they give you an answer write down the amount, the person giving you that information and the date.

  • PROBLEM:  If you have a high deductible then they may not offer to pay ANY of the bill or a limited amount. AND because you ran it through the insurance machine they up-charge the amount so you are paying a premium.

Option B – Self Pay:  This means you choose to pay out of pocket cash for your labs and not use your insurance at all. Why do this? It could be hundreds of dollars cheaper. Huber Personalized Medicine has negotiated very low pricing for labs through Labcorp because they don’t want to work with your insurance company either. We are able to offer prices that are 5 to 10 TIMES LOWER than your insurance company rates. We can get a $100 test for $10. 

  • SOLUTION:  Ask our staff to simply quote you the price your lab order if you choose to pre-pay. Asking for a quote is simple and without any obligation. 

EXAMPLE:  Here is one case in point. A patient brought me their bill for labs done thru their insurance approved “in network” lab provider: 

Quest Diagnostics charged a patient the following fees:

Lab Test Quest Lab FeeSelf-Pay - Huber Per.Med.
NMR Lipid panel$205.68 PLUS$65 - includes everything
Lipoprotein particle #$54.000
Cholesterol - total$42.770
HDL cholesterol$68.810
TOTAL BILL$753.92$109.80

The patient paid $753.92 for these simple tests when they could have pre-payed $109.80 and gone to the same in network lab and had the same tests done. 

We are all in favor of using your insurance company to pay for your labs if you know that you get nearly complete coverage. But if you have a high deductible plan then you could save hundreds or even thousand of dollars on lab work by simply pre-paying for lab work. When you “Pre-Pay” YOU are establishing the discounted price before hand and not allowing the insurance company to set the inflated price. You would also avoid the sticker shock and surprise of not knowing what you are being charged. 

We offer severely discounted lab prices as we have negotiated aggressive price breaks with Labcorp, the nation’s largest and most reputable lab company. Labcorp is “in network” for nearly all insurance plans but you would want to check with your carrier to ensure this.  If you have interest in pre-paying for any lab service